The Buzz from BrandGlue: June 2024

Welcome to The Buzz from BrandGlue, your new monthly roundup of the latest updates in B2B social media marketing! Each month, we will curate the biggest, boldest, and most critical developments in the social media landscape to keep you informed and engaged. From platform launches and feature updates…

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Mastodon Social Media Marketing 101: Should Your B2B Business Create Its Own Server?

As social media continues to evolve, Mastodon has emerged as a unique, decentralized platform gaining traction across the internet and among businesses. But is it the right fit for your B2B marketing strategy? Let's explore the benefits and challenges of Mastodon, and whether creating your own…

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How To Efficiently + Effectively Use AI To Streamline Your Social Media Marketing

Let's face it: with ever-changing trends and constant platform updates, social media marketing can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. New techniques and tools pop up faster than you can say "#fail," while churning out engaging content week after week can leave you feeling like a hamster…

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The 5 B2B Marketing Trends You Need To Try in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, 2024 is poised to be a year of transformation. Disruptions, amplified by factors like the pandemic and rapid technological advances, have reshaped how B2B buyers interact with vendors and how complex sales unfold. As marketers grapple with increasing…

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Making the Most of Your Content Marketing Funnel

In today's digital landscape, a well-structured content marketing funnel is the cornerstone of any successful online marketing strategy. It's the roadmap that takes potential customers from first discovering your brand to becoming loyal advocates. And in this journey towards conversion and retention…

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