Tools for the Social Media Management Trade: 5 Internal Tools for Staying Organized

Michelle HeathersJanuary 12, 2022Tips

When it comes to social media marketing, the management tools you use to stay organized can make all the difference in helping the brands you manage share their important messages seamlessly and cohesively around the world. Before you begin your next social media marketing campaign, first take a look at these 5 internal tools our team uses that will help you save valuable time and resources.

Sharing is Caring

First up on our list of vital internal tools to keep your social media in check is utilizing an efficient file sharing and storing system . One of the worst days on the job is searching for a file you know you had a week ago, but now it’s lost in a sea of untitled docs, files saved to a random desktop, or floating somewhere in a Google drive linked to an old email address. We’ve all been there, but we don’t have to stay there! Start by creating a file naming convention that you and your coworkers can actually stick to … and then stick to it! The biggest key here is consistency until good habits form. Using tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc., are great options for taming the file sharing and storage beast.

Stick to a Schedule

As new social media platforms become more popular, businesses are eager to figure out how to share their messages in new and exciting ways. But more social platforms mean more schedule juggling, and it can be hard to keep up! That’s why it’s important to have a reliable content scheduling system in place. Whether you use Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout, or a hybrid management software solution, having a solid system in place will save you the headache of manually scheduling content (so you can use that time for the many other tasks that fill a social media marketers’ day!). 

Master Your To-Do List

Are you a list maker? If not, this is one of the best tips for keeping track of the many daily tasks that come with social media management. Instead of trying to keep your never-ending to-do list all in your head, opt instead for a management tool to help you stay organized and productive. Beyond just a standard to-do list on a piece of paper (it is 2022, people), there are tons of great options to fit your task-list needs and style. Some popular ones include programs like Evernote , Asana , Apple Notes , or Trello , with many of these tools offering more than just basic list creation capabilities. Whichever way you go (even if it’s the pen and paper route), a key to handling deadlines and deliverables is to first get your to-do list out of your head and arrange it somewhere visually. 

Password, Please!

One of the quickest ways to lose an important hour of work is having to hunt down a password that never got saved. Did you write it down on a sticky note? Or on the back of a receipt? You’ll never have to play this frustrating game again if you just employ a password management system from the start. 

Recent surveys show that the average person now has about 100 passwords , meaning social media managers could be almost doubling that number with the various social media account passwords they need to keep up with (looking at you, Twitter and Instagram!). As cybersecurity reigns as a hot topic in 2022, having a password management system in place is not just beneficial for keeping organized, but ultimately for keeping important client data secure. 

Go with the (Communication) Flow

The average number of emails received per day is around 40 (meaning your inbox will probably get hit while you finish this blog post), with some of the top engaged knowledge workers receiving close to 100 emails a day! But these days, it’s not only emails that need to be tackled; now, clients, managers, and colleagues can communicate with you via a number of different channels, making internal communication tools a must for staying on top of things! 

Digital communication isn’t slowing down anytime soon, so make sure you have a system you can count on. Utilizing methods like the zero inbox strategy , or categorizing Slack channels for specific groups or teams can help keep internal communication flowing. 

Staying organized isn’t just about checking items off a to-do list or meeting a deadline. When you utilize internal tools effectively, everyone can benefit , from your clients to your coworkers to your next social media campaign, and especially to your mental wellbeing. 

What are some of your favorite tools to stay organized? Share with us in the comments!

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