New Year’s resolutions are a well-worn tradition but don’t just “resolve” to do better with your B2B marketing in 2023. Set clear goals, and come up with a plan to achieve them!
Here are three B2B social goals to help get you started on the year ahead:
It’s always a good idea to assess your current strategy so you can make necessary adjustments. The fast-paced nature of social media can be overwhelming, and sometimes it causes us to fall into a routine of what’s comfortable rather than effective.
Start by simply getting organized . Does your team have the ability to communicate and share content with each other easily? Do you have a schedule for upcoming posts? Does everyone who needs them have access to the necessary passwords for your accounts?
Going over the fundamentals often isn’t flashy, but it is always well worth it, especially as you kick off the new year.
It’s no secret that social media companies work really hard to keep users on their platforms . It may seem counterintuitive to embrace this fact. After all, you want to move clients down your sales funnel as quickly as possible, and that traditionally means getting them to your website or in touch with a sales rep.
But social media rewards content that keeps users engaged on the platform, and they have tools that can help you come out a winner, too.
Lead forms on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook have long been a cornerstone of the B2B world, and these platforms are working even harder to create engaging ways for companies to utilize their lead tools.
Facebook recently made a major update to its Ad Leads form, making it more dynamic in the hopes of increasing engagement. Similarly, LinkedIn launched Document Ads back in October, making downloadable content available to those who share their contact info. These tools and others have their pros and cons, but they enable companies to fill their sales funnel without potential customers ever leaving the social media platform.
Think of it as a win-win for you and the social media company.
Eventually, clients have to progress further down your sales funnel, and that will lead them beyond the social media platforms; however, effectively using tools like lead forms will improve your chances of being prominently featured on the platform, leading to more engagement, and ultimately more leads.
Getting to know and utilize the types of lead forms that are available on your social platform of choice is a good goal for 2023.
Social media platforms are increasingly becoming less about “social” interactions and instead embracing an entertainment model. The simple fact is that people want to see fun and engaging content on social media, even in the B2B space!
Here in the New Year, strive to create more engaging content, especially in the realm of short-form video. Whether it’s something funny, visually interesting, or that utilizes trending audio, explore creating content people will find entertaining as well as informative.
But before you start practicing the latest TikTok-inspired choreography, remember that not every trend will fit your company’s brand.
If your organization’s image and message can somehow be furthered by trending dances or in-office prank videos, consider going for it. If not, don’t produce content simply because you think it will be rewarded by the algorithm. Chasing a viral post is a dangerous game that can leave you disappointed and, at times, your brand a bit embarrassed and doing some PR cleanup.
So, examine trends carefully before jumping in, check out these three questions to ask before embracing a new social media trend , and remember that being entertaining means little if you don’t stay on brand.
Those are some of our tips for creating a successful B2B social media marketing plan in 2023. What do you hope to accomplish here in the New Year? Let us know in the comments.