Everything B2B Marketers Need to Know About the LinkedIn Algorithm

Michelle HeathersJuly 12, 2023Tips

LinkedIn has gained a lot of traction in recent years for B2B marketers. With thousands of people signing up to the platform every day, there’s a lot of potential to reach the audience you want. Fun fact: as far back as 2019, our team was talking about the amazing opportunities for B2B marketers on LinkedIn

However, with this popularity comes more noise to cut through. B2B marketers have to get smarter about aligning their social strategies with LinkedIn’s current (and ever-changing) algorithm.

Luckily for us, LinkedIn just revealed some helpful insights about how it determines the visibility of posts. Read on to understand how to best reach your audience by strategically taking advantage of the following algorithm tips.

LinkedIn’s 4th Annual Algorithm Research Report

Late last year, LinkedIn expert Richard van der Blom released his 4th Annual Algorithm Research Report , packed with juicy insights for us B2B marketers. This year's report captures new information about the changes in the algorithm and which behaviors are being rewarded the most. Here are some of the top engagement and posting tactics to help your posts reach more users:

  1. Don’t mention more than 15 accounts per post. Tagging influencers or employees? Try keeping it to a minimum and if you need to prioritize which accounts to tag, focus on those with large followings or credibility on the platform.

  2. If you’re going to use emojis in your post, use a maximum of 10 emojis per post. Not more than four per line.

  3. Publishing multiple posts in a row with low engagement rates causes LinkedIn to reduce the reach of your next post.

  4. Answer any comments on your post within the first 12 hours.

  5. Try to generate as much engagement on a post within the first 90 minutes.

  6. Getting people to reshare your posts has doubled in value since 2020.

More insights are included below in this infographic:

Source: Creativity and Innovation Network

Takeaways for B2B brands and thought leaders on LinkedIn 

While there are a lot of small details to remember before you post, it all dials down to the fact that the LinkedIn algorithm, similar to all other social platform algorithms, is designed to deliver relevant content to its users. So the more authentic and valuable you can be as a brand or a thought leader, the easier it will be for you to drive success on the platform. 

Social media platforms are being stricter than ever before about fighting against spam, and one of their main goals is to keep content as valuable as possible so that users don’t want to leave their app. 

In my experience, as long as your content encapsulates those two pillars, authenticity and value, you are in a great position to grow your social media presence on LinkedIn. And don’t forget to check out our favorite LinkedIn metrics to track so you can measure your progress.

Were any of these algorithm tips for LinkedIn surprising to you? We’d love to hear in the comments below!

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