4 Ways to Repurpose Webinar Content for Your Social Channels

Michelle HeathersOctober 24, 2018Tips

Does your company do webinars? If so, you know full well the time, energy and money that is spent securing panelists, creating assets, promoting the event, and then—finally—presenting the webinar.

But what happens afterward?

Your hard work doesn’t have to disappear into the shadows of the internet. Here are four ways you can utilize webinar content on your social media channels.

Create a blog series

Depending on the webinar topic, you should easily be able to create a blog series . Asking an external presenter to compose a guest blog/article will benefit you both. It will allow them to boost their authority on the subject both prior and after the presentation, as well as provide you with additional content.

Another source for the blog series is any internal presenters. They can write (or help with editing) a blog post for the webinar, one that helps readers dive further into the content being presented. Another idea would be for them to create a written version of the webinar.

Once you have your blog series set, be sure and include these blogs into your social plan for the webinar, both during and after the webinar is presented. This will help widen the impact of all of your hard work for the webinar.

Use webinar questions to create polls & start discussions

Typically, a webinar will wrap up by taking questions from the audience. This presents a great opportunity for you to extend those questions to your social media audience.

Use questions from the webinar to ask multiple choice questions as a poll on your Facebook page or Twitter feed. This allows your social audience to have some fun testing their knowledge and gets them more interested in the webinar content. After the webinar, say a day or two later, you can provide the correct answer to the poll - increasing the longevity of your webinar content and engagement even further.

If quality questions aren’t abundant during your webinar, you can always come up with a few poll questions of your own.

Infographic or eBook

A good webinar is filled with all kinds of statistics that can easily become lost during the presentation. Instead of losing those great tidbits, turn them into powerful visual content that increases the lifespan of your webinar.

If you have a larger amount of information that you think your audience would like to be able to digest, then an eBook or infographic can provide all of the key points and statistics from the webinar in a digestible, easy to share format.  As an added perk, you can gather information about your audience based on the information you receive from the eBook downloads.

Replay as a Native Facebook Video

Facebook videos are one of the best ways to earn more engagement on social media, so it’s no surprise that they are also a helpful avenue for ensuring you get the most out of your webinars.

Once your webinar is complete, create a 30 second to 2 minute synopsis, and upload that directly to Facebook (add on LinkedIn and Twitter for optimal exposure!). From there, you can boost the video for more views to your desired target, as well as retarget the individuals who watch a significant portion of the webinar. This tactic will help you expand your reach and serve up the content to those who were interested, including those who weren’t able to attend the webinar.

And there you have it, 4 ways to repurpose your webinar content to create numerous assets that can be used again and again on social, and bring longevity to all of your hard work.

Do you have any additional tried and true tactics? We’d love to hear them!

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